Noble Outfitters Wound Care assists in the recovery process of injured dogs, cats, and small pets. The veterinarian-recommended proprietary formulation improves wound cleanliness and enhances recovery time on all animals. It is made from non-toxic, food-grade safe ingredients. Apply topically to clean skin abrasions, post-surgical sites, hot spots, rain rot, rashes, ringworm, scratches, mange, and other wounds.
- Made in the USA
- Safe for use in pet's eyes, ears, nose, and mouth
- Highly compatible with other would treatments, antibiotics, and healing ointments
- Fragrance- and dye-free and safe if ingested
- Will not sting when applied
- Will test free of chemicals for competitive animals
- Does not degrade if frozen
4 oz. spray
Directions For Use:
Thoroughly remove all debris from wound. Liberally apply directly on would. Repeat process 3-4 times daily or as needed. For sensitive skin, dilute application with water 50/50 or to desired strength and apply once daily. Efficacy will not be reduced by dilution. For treating chronic ailments like Fungi completely debride scab by scrubbing. Apply wound care more frequently.